تخيل تناول مشروبك الدافئ المفضل من قارورة فراغ معزولة الأنيقة والعصرية. صُنعت هذه القارورة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ المتين، وهي مصممة للحفاظ على مشروباتك ساخنة لمدة تصل إلى 12 ساعة، مما يضمن لك الاستمتاع بالنكهات المفضلة لديك أثناء التنقل. تضيف النهاية الرمادية الأنيقة لمسة من الرقي، بينما توفر الكوبان المرفقان راحة ومرونة. سواء كنت في طريقك إلى العمل أو تستمتع بنزهة أو ببساطة تسترخي في المنزل، فإن هذه القارورة هي الرفيق المثالي لأي مغامرة.
اللون |
رمادى, لبنى, بنفسجى |
السعه |
500ml |
المنشأ |
الصين |
First: Exchange and return within the 14-day period from the date of receipt of the goods without reason
The consumer has the right to exchange the item or return it with a refund of its cash value, without giving any reasons and without bearing any expenses, within fourteen days of receiving it.
As an exception to this, the consumer may not exercise the right of exchange or return in the following cases:
1- If the nature of the commodity, its characteristics, or the method of packing or wrapping it prevents it from being replaced or returned, or if it is impossible to return it to the condition it was in when contracting.
2- If the goods are perishable consumer goods.
3- If the commodity is not in the same condition as it was in at the time of sale for a reason attributed to the consumer.
4- If it is one of the goods that are manufactured according to special specifications specified by the consumer, and the good conforms to these specifications
Second: Replacing or returning defective goods within 30 days from the date of receipt
The consumer has the right, within thirty days of receiving the item, to exchange it or return it with a refund of its cash value if it is defective.
In these cases, the consumer must resort to the supplier (the seller, the distribution company, or the guarantee company) and explain the defect